We need your help to help us fight the scourge of crime and reclaim the peaceful use of our beautiful neighbourhood.
Your donations will go directly into RAG’s Crime Fighting Fund for investment in technology and infrastructure for crime prevention and crime fighting purposes.
Our reaction vehicles proactively patrol 24/7 and we respond to community calls about suspicious activity. RAG is the go-to provider that most residents contact for assistance with everything from vehicle accidents, security incidents, alarms, fires and suspicious people, to medical emergencies, lost pets, bad drivers and belligerent beggars. And we always respond quickly and efficiently!
By supporting RAG, you are investing in ‘your family and business’, improving the neighbourhood and keeping the whole community safe.
Our Solar Street Light project has proven to be an effective crime-fighting initiative. Each Solar Street Light costs R1650, and we welcome contributions from anyone who would like to support this impactful cause.
Please insert the amount you would like to donate
You will redirected to the PayFast Gateway to make donation
Thank you for your valued support!
Emergency Contact Numbers
24-Hour RAG Control Centre:
011 455 7022 or 082 322 3333
082 911 or 084 142
Suicide Helpline
0800 567 765
SA Police Service:
EMPD (incl. fire, noise):
011 458 0911
Bryanston Vet (A/H emergencies):
011 706 6023/4/5
Life Bedford Gardens Hospital
Leicester Road, Bedfordview
011 677 8500
Roseacres Clinic
St Joseph Street, Symhurst, Germiston
011 842 7500